The Tired Gardener

Healing Through Growing

Books: novels

Welcome to my virtual library of books that I have found inspiring or helpful.

I have many more to share with you as we go on, but here are some novels that contain an element of healing through growing to get started with …

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Frances Hodgson Burnett,
The Secret Garden,
ISBN-13: 978-1847495730

If you didn't read this as a child, now is the time to discover the Secret Garden. Mary's first encounter with gardening is unforgettable as she instinctively tries to clear the weeds from the tiny shoots of early spring bulbs.
If you read it as a child, a re-read with adult eyes is a very different thing. We see Colin transformed by friendship and a garden from a bed-bound brat with no hope, to a blooming young man.
You can buy a cheap paperback version but the illustrations in this version make it an even more absorbing read and an object to treasure.


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