The Tired Gardener

Healing Through Growing

Healing Through Growing Blog

  • Herrenhäuser Allee
  • Image courtesy of Wikicommons at,_Germany_-_Herrenhausen_G%C3%A4rten_-_panoramio_-_MARELBU.jpg

A Healing Garden

My personal experience of the powerful pain-relieving powers of a beautiful space made sense once I understood the mechanics of chronic pain.

  • Snow in February, Leicestershire.
  • Snowdrops.
  • Late afternoon snow, Leicestershire.


Being cold and exhausted is a common part of fibro/CFS/ME.  Don’t accept and learn to cope,  learn why you’re cold and how to deal with it.

  • Image from Rapidweaver Unsplash.
  • Image from Rapidweaver Unsplash.
  • Image from Rapidweaver Unsplash.

On the Other Hand

Addressing pain and loss of function in my hands, while the rest of my body recovers, has given me pause for thought and a new perspective on my approach to recovery

  • Hardy geraniums and pulmonaria leaves bring light and colour to a shady spot.  I didn't plant them, they just like it there and look after themselves.
  • Self-sown feverfew frames a greenhouse-sown cosmos flower.  Lots of 'weeds' have beautiful flowers.
  • Cecil the sparrow — I can relax watching his frantic calls for a mate.

Sunshine and Shadows

Gentle, slow gardening gives me time to notice and learn about the world around me as well as giving my body sunshine and stretching.

My illness has meant that I have had to give up my work and so I am now looking to find a new career through my writing. If you have enjoyed this page and would like to encourage me to produce more, click the coffee cup below to make a small donation; no strings, no fuss, just a little, 'Thanks, keep it up.'

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