The Tired Gardener

Healing Through Growing

Healing Through Growing Blog

  • Buckler-leaved sorrel.
  • Transplanted supermarket 'living salad'.
  • Sorrel Schavel (from Garden Organic's Heritage Seed Library), parsley and red-veined sorrel.  All planted in my daughter's old converted sand pit.

Salad Leaves

A tasty green salad every day is possible, without filling your fridge with bags of wilted supermarket leaves.

  • Watercress salad with home-grown globe-artichoke and carrots.
  • Red, purple and yellow tomatoes of all shapes and sizes with home-grown basil.
  • Different coloured lettuces transplanted into containers from a single, supermarket 'living salad' pot.

Growing and Eating a Rainbow

Eating well should never be a chore.  Growing your own food can transform a dull 5 a day meal into a delicious as well as a nutritious and satisfying experience.

My illness has meant that I have had to give up my work and so I am now looking to find a new career through my writing. If you have enjoyed this page and would like to encourage me to produce more, click the coffee cup below to make a small donation; no strings, no fuss, just a little, 'Thanks, keep it up.'

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