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Growing in May
All of these photos, and those that accompany my blogs, are my own. I find that taking a camera out with me helps me to ignore the bigger picture of tasks to be done and to notice so much more of the beauty and detail of the world around me. When I've taken a photo I try to stop and watch whatever I've been snapping, so I appreciate it in real life and not just through the lens.
Read my blog Playing With Time on the way in which my camera has helped me to balance rest and activity in the garden.
I have also bought a small microscope that plugs into my laptop, allowing me to see the detail that my eyes miss. This has opened a whole new world of both science and art. See my blog A Miniature Expedition for more on this experience.
These are pictures taken over a number of years, including those before my health crashed. As such they show the variety of things I have grown over the years and the varying fortunes of my garden as my energy rose and fell.
Scroll down to view the images or click on one to bring up a slideshow with captions.
Read my blog Playing With Time on the way in which my camera has helped me to balance rest and activity in the garden.
I have also bought a small microscope that plugs into my laptop, allowing me to see the detail that my eyes miss. This has opened a whole new world of both science and art. See my blog A Miniature Expedition for more on this experience.
These are pictures taken over a number of years, including those before my health crashed. As such they show the variety of things I have grown over the years and the varying fortunes of my garden as my energy rose and fell.
Scroll down to view the images or click on one to bring up a slideshow with captions.
My illness has meant that I have had to give up my work and so I am now looking to find a new career through my writing. If you have enjoyed this page and would like to encourage me to produce more, click the coffee cup below to make a small donation; no strings, no fuss, just a little, 'Thanks, keep it up.'
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